Left early (ish) from Matte's with the rental car loaded with camping kit. Matte had a good laugh at us packing everything into the Persau 1.
Our major stop on the way was Warhammer World in Nottingham. After a slight fight with the gps, and a stint of manual navigation, we found the place. The minitures showcase was superb, and the beautiful gaming tables really made us miss our armies. It would really have been something to be able to play a game or two.
The second half of the journey went smoothly enough, and we found the York Caravan Park easily ecnough. Very peaceful campsite, and pretty larny facilities. There are "shower rooms" that are twice the size of our bathroom at home with a shower, toilet, basin, and...hairdryer!

And I'm sure I'll tent might be causing a bit of a stir.

After setting up we got to see a bit of York as we hurried to the evening talk hosted by the sword event that Fechtshcule is holding.

Lots of free beer and sword people to talk to!
Our major stop on the way was Warhammer World in Nottingham. After a slight fight with the gps, and a stint of manual navigation, we found the place. The minitures showcase was superb, and the beautiful gaming tables really made us miss our armies. It would really have been something to be able to play a game or two.
The second half of the journey went smoothly enough, and we found the York Caravan Park easily ecnough. Very peaceful campsite, and pretty larny facilities. There are "shower rooms" that are twice the size of our bathroom at home with a shower, toilet, basin, and...hairdryer!

And I'm sure I'll tent might be causing a bit of a stir.

After setting up we got to see a bit of York as we hurried to the evening talk hosted by the sword event that Fechtshcule is holding.

Lots of free beer and sword people to talk to!
I am thrilled you guys were able to see Warhammer World. I spent many a lovely day at that place when I was studying at Nottingham. I am glad to see you are enjoying yourselves. Be safe and hope to see you back soon! (Missing you guys) ;)