Yes, I know it's a day late, but I had developed a death rattle of a cough the day before yesterday, and simply crashed when we got back, and after that we were visiting.
Returned to the British museum, mainly to see the classical Greek collection, but we also found some samurai armour.

Also got to see the Lewis chessmen.

Went past a little RPG shop crammed with cool stuff
In James' words "bit of a glory hole".

Strolled down to Leicester square where we had ice-cream.

Scrounged round in some specialist bookshops, finally tracked down a post office to post a package for Maureen, bought some cough syrup for me, and saw South Africa house on Trafalgar Square.

We took the tube to see Tower Bridge and the Tower...

...and wandered over to the south bank to pay our respects to the HMS Belfast.

Went over to the Golden Hind, but didn't have enough light left to get you a good photo. On our way back to the Tower Bridge bus stop for our ride home, we discovered this unassuming little pub under a bridge and stopped for a beer.

Returned to the British museum, mainly to see the classical Greek collection, but we also found some samurai armour.

Also got to see the Lewis chessmen.

Went past a little RPG shop crammed with cool stuff
In James' words "bit of a glory hole".

Strolled down to Leicester square where we had ice-cream.

Scrounged round in some specialist bookshops, finally tracked down a post office to post a package for Maureen, bought some cough syrup for me, and saw South Africa house on Trafalgar Square.

We took the tube to see Tower Bridge and the Tower...

...and wandered over to the south bank to pay our respects to the HMS Belfast.

Went over to the Golden Hind, but didn't have enough light left to get you a good photo. On our way back to the Tower Bridge bus stop for our ride home, we discovered this unassuming little pub under a bridge and stopped for a beer.

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