Had an absolutely horrible night in the hostel dormitory. I don't mind cramped, but to have 18 people in about 18 square metres, no window (thank heavens for the two fans), and a humid night is bad. Then add in some idiots that think dormitories are great places for long whispered conversations after 12:00 at night. Think it's the closest I've ever been to a claustrophobic panic attack. Actually stopped myself sticking my head out the door for some fresh air, because I was certain that I wouldn't have been able to go back inside. Would probably rather have curled up in a ball on the common room floor.
So up early and out, with luggage. And it would be drizzling. Took the train to Trafalgar square, got some tea for Cecil, a book on the history of London's mad people for my dad, and then stopped at the brass rubbing centre. Again.
I still needed a good gift for my tireless house-sitter, she-who-my-cats-sleep-on, the one and only Dina. She said she liked the idea of a rubbing, and the brass rubbing centre is a great place to time out with luggage. Suspect the chap that works there is assured of my insanity - oh well. Did two in the end, because there was a second one that tempted me. Dina, which ever one you pick, your rubbing involves sweat and blood. It was humid from the rain, and I finally lost some skin off one finger from too much brass rubbing!

Made my way through the drizzle and caught a bus to the Victoria Coach station, where I was just in time for the next coach to Luton airport. The good, no waiting around. The bad, £15 for the ticket. Ouch. Bus was very comfortable I must say.
Hung around the airport reading, and having lunch, till check-in opened. Went through to departures where I splurged my last few quid on a BIG Starbucks coffee.
It still amazes me that aeroplanes actually work. Couldn't believe how tiny this one looked when contrasted with the people getting into it!

Napped, read, enjoyed the view of what I assume were the alps.

After landing found the Tourist Information booth, snagged a free map, and got directions to my hostel. It was only about a km and a half away so it seemed easier to walk, than to figure out which bus to take. My back protested, and despite it being night, it was hot.
Found the hostel easily enough, very friendly, and there was not only space, but WINDOWS! Lots of them! The surge of relief I felt made me wonder if I've been permanently traumatised. ;-)
Couldn't seem to stop sweating after my enthusiastic walk, so grabbed a shower. Went and found a supermarket, and a beer. Earlyish night on the whole.
So up early and out, with luggage. And it would be drizzling. Took the train to Trafalgar square, got some tea for Cecil, a book on the history of London's mad people for my dad, and then stopped at the brass rubbing centre. Again.
I still needed a good gift for my tireless house-sitter, she-who-my-cats-sleep-on, the one and only Dina. She said she liked the idea of a rubbing, and the brass rubbing centre is a great place to time out with luggage. Suspect the chap that works there is assured of my insanity - oh well. Did two in the end, because there was a second one that tempted me. Dina, which ever one you pick, your rubbing involves sweat and blood. It was humid from the rain, and I finally lost some skin off one finger from too much brass rubbing!

Made my way through the drizzle and caught a bus to the Victoria Coach station, where I was just in time for the next coach to Luton airport. The good, no waiting around. The bad, £15 for the ticket. Ouch. Bus was very comfortable I must say.
Hung around the airport reading, and having lunch, till check-in opened. Went through to departures where I splurged my last few quid on a BIG Starbucks coffee.
It still amazes me that aeroplanes actually work. Couldn't believe how tiny this one looked when contrasted with the people getting into it!

Napped, read, enjoyed the view of what I assume were the alps.

After landing found the Tourist Information booth, snagged a free map, and got directions to my hostel. It was only about a km and a half away so it seemed easier to walk, than to figure out which bus to take. My back protested, and despite it being night, it was hot.
Found the hostel easily enough, very friendly, and there was not only space, but WINDOWS! Lots of them! The surge of relief I felt made me wonder if I've been permanently traumatised. ;-)
Couldn't seem to stop sweating after my enthusiastic walk, so grabbed a shower. Went and found a supermarket, and a beer. Earlyish night on the whole.
Hi sus.......ja nee, die no window experience was defnitief nie 'n goeie een nie! Sou defnitief 'n claustrophobic panic attack gekry het!Maar sjoe, jy maak my so lus om weer 'n brass rubbing te doen!! Darem jou foto op FB gekry. Hoop Pisa en later Florence is all that you hoped for. Happy travelling!! Hoop julle het stunning weer!