Breakfasted, packed car and then left Struisbaai. Passed through Bredasdorp again and then went west. It is amazing how many birds of prey one sees on the side of the road in the more remote areas of the Eastern and Western Cape. I spent part of the drive trying to snap photos of them sitting on the telephone poles.

Stopped in Napier at a second hand book shop; bought far too many books. We also got to see a private collectors militaria collection that he has open to the public. Since we were in Napier to sample some Napier Brewery beer we tried to locate a place that had it available, but the only place that did was closed. Eventually we settled for a beer at The Fox (with pork pies!) and picked up some Napier Brewery beer at the liquor store on the way out.
Next stop was Stanford and Birkenhead Brewery. Birkenhead had a weiss beer (Honey Blond), a pilsner, lager, Old English Ale, stoat and a mixture they do with stoat, brandy and honey blond which they call Cobra. We decided to buy some of each and started considering holding a beer tasting when we get back.

Enjoyed a picnic lunch out on the lawns before starting the last leg to Cape Town.

Reached Adrie's place at about 17h00 in Durbanville, Cape Town. It was great catching up with her again. It's sometimes so different meeting people again that you only knew as a child. She and I chatted until late while James opted for an earlier bedtime because he had to teach the next morning.
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