James and I left for Grahamstown town today along with some of the Geology masters student for a Geology conference. Managed to get away a bit late since Martin didn't show. Still haven't heard from him so not sure if he's flight was delayed or what.
Made good time, eventually stopping at the Bloemfontein Engen 1-Stop for lunch. Roger managed to convince James that there is a good chance that all of the liquor stores might be shut when we reach Aliwal North later (seeing as the Eastern Cape is completely uncivilized), so James and I did a run into Bloem to secure supplies.
Lots of gorgeous Karoo scenery after Bloem. Also some road works so grabbed my chance for a couple of photos. Acres of bright blue sky and empty fields except for the occasional flock of sheep or herd of cows. Passed through Smithfield and Rouxville; both tiny towns, each complete with it's own township.
Got into Aliway North round about 15:30 only to discover the place we thought we were booked at doesn't know we are booked there. A tense phone call or two and we wandered a 100m up the round and managed to find pleasant accommodation for pretty much the same price it would have cost us at the other place. While some of the students swapped around the Quantum's one tire which appeared to have a slow puncture, Roger and James quickly went foraging for food before the shops closed.
Nice enough place here, complete with very friendly cat. Can't decide if it lives next door somewhere and simply wanders over to be petted and fed, or if it's a stray that's decided that being nice to strangers scores food. Either way it seems terribly at home here!
Braai's currently going as I write this and I'm on my fourth beer, so a very satisfying day in all!

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